Last week was my first time going to Kiwikick. After lunch we packed up and got ready to go. When we walked over I saw that there were cones and balls set out for us. This man who’s name was Sam, came up to us and told us to sit down and listen. Well obviously he had to introduce himself first and then we got started.
Samwhich which was his nickname told us to get in fours, so we all got up and got into groups. My group was Caroline, Mary I, Shoal, Brooklyn and I, we had five people in my group because there were lot’s of people here on Thursday. After that Samwich told us that we are going to play a game of cat and mouse Sam told us the instruction how to play, then we were off.
So we got into a circle and Brooklyn was the cat and Shoal was the mouse we had to make sure that the cat doesn’t get to the mouse. When we finished warming up we came and sat down on the ground again and then he told us to get into two’s and my partner was MaryI. Then we waited till everyone was ready and then my partner went and got our ball and started passing.
My partner and I keeped dropping the ball on the ground, and I went to go catch the ball and then the ball hit my finger and it was so sore I nearly cried. But luckly I did’nt because I would of made a full out of me. I was looking at everyone play and it looked fun so I just got over the soreness and started passing again but it was really painful.
After doing all that, we played a game called octopus but we had to hit the ball as if we were scooping an ice cream. The first round I didn’t get out but on the secound round I did because Samwich got me on the back. I had to get a ball and hop in the middle and try and get someone but I got no one. I thought it was hard trying to get people because I’m not use to passing a ball like that.
We had our last game of octopus and I did’nt get out on any of the rounds I kept on waiting for the teachers and some of the kids to drop the ball then I ran. Then Samwich told us “time to go back to class because it is nearly home time” so the people with the balls had to put them away and line up. We said our byes and thank yous then headed off back to class.
Over all I felt very happy knowing some more skills about AFL and the way aussies play. I can’t wait for next week. If we play octopus again I will try to stay out of the way and be the last one standing.
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