Last week the year 7s went down to Tamaki collage to have tech, I was in food tech. We had to line up in front of Mrs Hieka our teacher. After we came in we had to wash our hands and put on an apron. We also had to put the things that were in our hands away in a cabby hole, then she told us the rules. I was really excited because I love baking. I always bake with my mum. First we had to find a bench in the kitchen. Mrs Heka wanted to write our names on a peace of paper so she knows our name by heart.
Mrs Heka told us to get into groups of 3 or four and sort out who is going to wash, dry and pack away the dishes. The person who is washing had to get the trolley that had eqiupments on it, I decied to be a washer and Caroline my partner decied to be a dryer and pack away. So I went up and got a trolley on the it had bowls, measuring cups and other things that we were going to need. Then Mrs Heka put what we are going to use on the white screen, she said “If you are the washer you would need to get out all the measuring bowls, measuring cups and also the wooden spoon.
The dryer had to get out the white chopping board and the purple sharp knife, after getting our eqiupments out. Mrs Heka put all the ingredients up and I had to get one measuring cup out and the medium bowll I had to put Plan flower and Self raising flower. In the measuring cup I put in oil and took it all back to my kitchen. Then Mrs Heka told all the kids that were drying to go and get the tray for our cookies.
Caroline was the washer so she had to go and get it after that we had to put baking paper on top of the tray so the cookies don’t stick to it. After that Mrs Heka said “can all the pack awayers crack the egg into the medium measuring bowl” Caroline cracked the egg and put it in the bowl after 2 minutes of mixing it all the dough was very stickyand it wasn’t supposed to look like that. Caroline put her hand up to tell Mrs Heka and Mrs Heka came to us and told us what is wrong She said “you forgot something put in self raising flower” and then I said “oh yes”.
Then Mrs Heka put in plan flower and we started mixing again and it finally worked, Caroline and I were the last ones to put our cookies in the oven. When every one was cleaning there mess we were rolling out our cookies onto the tray and when we were finished we gave them to Mrs heka then she put them in the oven. Caroline and I cleaned our mess. And by about half an hour Mrs Heka said “come and get your cookies with two oven clove’s.” I got me and Caroline’s cookies out of the oven and then I walked and took our cookies back to our kitchen. After that
Caroline got a spachelor and then got our cookies off the tray into the bag to take back to school and eat. We all said “BYE” to Mrs Heka but we are going back to food tech next week.
….....THE END......